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Milk puns in 2025

Why is milk taller than you?
– Because it’s always pasteurize

What kind of bees produce milk?
– Boo-bees

What would you call it when a cow does not listen to its owner?
– Uddermining the authority.

My friend is always trying to make cows nervous. She’s a fan of milkshakes.

I introduced chocolate to milk. They did a chocolate milk shake.

We drove to an abandoned Dairy Queen the other day. It was completely dessert-ed.

As kids, dad used to take his glass of milk and wave it across our face before taking a sip because…
– He likes his milk “past-your-eyes”

Why could the bottle of milk not be seen by you?
– Because it went pasteurise in a second.

I love milk when it’s churned. It’s butter that way.

What do you call it when a cow mixes very well with its surroundings?
– A cow-moo-flage.

I’d love to tell you some dairy puns, but I’m afraid you won’t find them funny, you’ll find them too cheesy.

What happened to the man who had too many cows?
– He lost cow-nt.

Why did the milk glasses listen to the milk carton?
– Because the carton was a litre.

I’d tell you a joke about milk but it’s whey too cheesy.

A dairy farm in my town had mad cow disease. It was udder chaos.

Did you know a carton of milk went to the moon?
– Of course you did, it was legend-dairy.

Which is the favourite hairstyle of a cow?
– The uddercut.

The milk didn’t like my last joke. He wasn’t a-moo-sed.

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