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Minecraft puns in 2025

Whats the first thing Michael Jackson does when he spawns in on Minecraft?
– He punches a trhee-hee

„Wow a PS10! What games do you got?“
– „GTA 5, The Witcher 3, Destiny 2 and Minecraft“

How are trees in Minecraft mathematically sound?
– Because they got them square roots.

How did the Minecraft player congratulated each other after the game ?
– They said the characters were sort off smashed into total Obsiden !

What is a Ghast’s favourite country?
– The Nether-lands.

Me: *Raids a Minecraft village killing everyone*
– My Grandpa trying to help me with his eternal love and support: “Try napalm, it’ll change your life, trust me.”

The Minecraft fishing rod enchantment ‘Lure’ is just its version of the enchantment ‘Efficiency’.
– Or rather, E-fish-in-sea

What did Steve the character say to Karena and other players to stop them from continuing the mining?
– Steve asked them to hold on as he was gunpowder his nose

If Minecraft has ever taught us anything…
– It’s that you shouldn’t spend diamonds on hoes

What did the one element say to the other while they were playing Minecraft
– Bromine!

What’s a cat’s favorite Minecraft block?
– Purpur

What was Steve’s reaction after seeing the excellent stunt pulled out by Karen?
– Steve was amazed and told Karen he could lever pull that!!

What’s a witch’s favourite make-up?
– Ma-scare-a!

Communists don’t play Minecraft…..
……they play Ourcraft

What’s the difference between Minecraft and Lovecraft?
– Apparently not much based on Notch’s twitter

How does a Minecraft addict player greet the other player?
– He greets them by asking “Cow you doing?”

Why was there iron and hold in the sailor’s boat?
– Because the sailor needed oars.

If someone made a sculpture in Minecraft of J-Lo.
– Would you name it Jenny from the Block?

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