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Mint puns in 2025

Your com-mint really hurt his feelings.

This is a very true and important statement. Limes are tastier than lemons, and you can’t make mojitos without them.

“Don’t make a jig mistake, and order a Shamrock Shake.”

Pepper-mint – Seasoning for minty foods.

Ok, bloomer.

“I’m ready to shamrock this party.”

The acknowledge-mint meant a lot to Mr. Mint.

Can you pick up the groceries? I haven’t botany.

I mint it when I said I love Shamrock Shakes.”

Mint is so cool.

This doesn’t really have anything to do with mojitos, but it’s fine. It still works!

“Sitting out on the Paddy O’ with my Shamrock Shake.”

Bad-mint-on – A mint’s favorite sport.

I’m rooting for you.

“Lean with it. Shamrock with it.”

She was really ada-mint.

You’re so sweet!

“Some things are simply mint to be.”

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