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Mole puns in 2025

I’ve got a special mole friend who really is one of a kind. They broke the moled when they made him.

Where do the ritzy moles live?
– Beverly Holes! (That’s where I want to beeee)

What do you see when you look down a mole hole?
– Molasses.

What do you get when you cut an avocado into 6 x 10 23rd pieces?… guacamole!

What do you get when you play whack a mole with avocados​?
– Whackamoley.

There was an election amongst the elements of the periodic table and Iron voted for Zinc… … because Zinc was able to galvanize Iron. (Chemistry Jokes & Election Jokes)

[Request] Mole-related puns
So to clarify, a mole is a unit of measurement in chemistry. My chemistry class does this extra credit project every year where you make a diorama of a mole (animal), with some sort of pun. Examples: Mole-sama Bin Laden, Mole Digger, Deadmol3. Help me find a good idea?

What do you use to make a mole of guacamole?
– Avogadros

3 moles are digging their way out of prison.
The first mole says “I can smell the clean air and grass! We’re almost there!”
The second mole says “I can smell the fresh wet dirt! We’re almost there!”
The third mole says “Really? All I can smell is molasses.”

The first mole crawled out of the hole and said “I smell strawberries!”
The second mole crawled out of the hole and said:

“I smell strawberries!”

The third mole crawled out of the hole and said:

“I smell molasses!!!”

Why did Ronald lose the election?… People thought his elect Ron campaign was too negative. (Election Jokes)

A family of moles was enjoying a nice Sunday morning…
…when father mole looks over lovingly to mother mole and says, “In appreciation of all you do, we are going to brunch today!”

Mother mole and baby mole excitedly get ready and put on their Sunday best.

When they are ready to leave, mother mole climbs up the tunnel first, and exclaims, “O my, I can smell pancakes and syrup!” Baby mole comes up next and says, “I can smell eggs and bacon!”

Father mole follows behind and says, “Funny, all I can smell is molasses!”

What do you get if you cross a mole with a sheet of music?… A mole-ody.

A pirate went to see the doctor about the moles on his back…
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” said the doctor, “They’re benign.”

“Count ’em again doc,” said the pirate, “You’ll find there be ten.”

My garden has been totally destroyed by moles. It looks like a de-mole-ition site.

A pirate goes to a doctor, worried that the moles on his back might be cancerous. The doctor inspects them.
“It’s ok,” he says. “They’re benign.”
The pirate replies “Check ’em again matey, I think there be at least ten!”


What do you call a 10th grader taking chemistry?… A Soph – Mol. (High School Jokes)

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