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Monkey puns in 2024

What do you call a flying monkey?
– A hot air baboon.

What’s white and swings through the trees?
– A meranguetan!

Why did the monkey put a net over its head?
– It wanted to catch its breath.

What do you call monkeys that share an amazon account?
– Prime mates.

What’s a monkey’s favorite store?
– Banana Republic.

What kind of key opens a banana?
– A mon-key!

What do you tell a naughty monkey?
– “Stop chimping about.”

What do you call a crowd of monkeys?
– An Orangatangle.

What do you call a monkey who wins every sport?
– A chimpion.

Did you hear about the older relative who could jump from tree to tree?
– He was a monkey’s uncle.

Where does a 2,000-pound gorilla sit?
– Anywhere it wants to.

What did the baboon study in law school?
– The law of the jungle.

What do monkeys get when they sunbathe?
– An orangu-tan.

Did you hear about that dumb party in the jungle?
– Someone forgot to bring the chimps and dip.

What does a monkey wear while cooking?
– An ape-ron.

What do you call a monkey who works in a call center?
– A who-rang-utang!

Today I learnt that humans eat more bananas than monkeys.
I can’t remember the last time I ate a monkey!

What’s a monkey’s favourite teacher at Hogwarts?
– Professor Sn-ape.

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