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Monkey puns in 2024

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building?
– Because he couldn’t fit in the lift.

What’s are monkey’s favourite biscuits?
– Chocolate chimp cookies.

Where does a monkey nap on a summer afternoon?
– An ape-ricot.

Did you hear about that lame party in the jungle?
– Someone forgot to bring the chimps and dip.

Why did the giant ape climb up the side of the skyscraper?
– Because the elevator was broken.

What’s a monkey’s favourite game?
– Hangman.

Why did the monkey like the banana?
– It was ap-peal-ing.

What does a banana do when it sees a monkey?
– The banana splits.

Where do monkeys go to grab a beer?
– The monkey bars!

In March, I found a monkey paw and used it to wish to work from home every day.
– I’m sorry, everybody.

Which side of a monkey has more hair?
– The outside.

What did the banana say to the chimp?
– Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

Why are baboons considered the life of the party?
– Because they’re more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

How do you catch a monkey?
– Climb a tree and act like a banana.

What did the banana do when it saw a gorilla?
– The banana split.

What d’you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
– Anything you like, it won’t be able to hear you!

What do you call a monkey that wins the World Series?
– A chimpion.

Someone forgot to bring the chimps and dip.

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