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Moon puns in 2025

Sometimes I feel like I am the moon and you are the sun, I’d really
be in the dark without you!

My favorite moon is the strawberry moon, it’s just so berry bright.

Went to a party on the moon once. Didn’t really like it, no

Are you looking for an a-moon-sing moon pun?

I went to my first full moon party at the weekend, I have to say, it
eclipsed my expectations!

As moon as possible

Why did the moon threw up?Because it was full.

Did you know there is a series of online videos about the sun and the moon passing each other? Just look for E-clips.

How does an astronaut tell the time? They just check their rocket watch.

Deliver a sermoon.

I don’t mean to sound o-moon-ous, but that meteor looks awfully big!

There snow moon like the December moon!

Love you to the moon and back.

You rock my world!

What did the grouchy moon say? Just get outer my space!

Too much, too moon.

What kind of cheese is the moon made of?moonster

What board game do they love to play in space? Moon-opoly!

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