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Moon puns in 2025

Don’t moonipulate me.

Are you trying to moon-ipulate me?

you would think they would understand the gravity of the situation!

I watched a series of online videos about the sun and the moon
passing each other. E-clips.

You could say I’m the moon and you’re the sun, because I really
like having you a-round!

Lunar or later

The man in the moon is bald, as he has no ‘air.

The rotation of the earth, really makes my day.

The moon seems to be going through another phase, should we get outer it’s space?

A sneaky mooneuver

Good to see you, catch you lunar!

Did you see the moon this evening? It’s absolutely blue-tiful!

Please, Come back moon.

I wonder if the moon prefers coffee or gravi-tea?

The lunar, the better

Whats the first day of the week called in outer space?Moonday

Hold on just a moon-ute!

When does Batman own the moon? When it Wayne’s!

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