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Moose puns in 2025

What did the moose name her daughter?
– Elke.

Where do moose go to play computer games?
– The a-moose-ment arcade.

Monty Moose’s favorite subject was che-moose-try because he loved lab experiments.

Where do moose go to get cheap thrills and food?
– The a-moose-ment park

Moose – When moose think long and hard about something or a moose’s source of inspiration.

Did you hear about the moose who got caught cheating in her maths test?
– She was using a cow-culator..

A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky
– The husband says, it’s reindeer

Moose are strong animals with strong mooscles!

Why is a moose so strong?
– It has mooscles

Moose lips sink ships.

Why did the moose get ignored by her friends?
– They hadn’t heard her say hello.

What do you call a moose that wants to stay hidden?
– An Anonymoose.

Did you hear about the fa-moose actor?

What do you call it when a moose tells a story?
– A tall tail.

What did the moose say when he realised he got the spelling on his shop sign wrong?
– I’ve made a huge moose-take.

What do you get if you cross an elk with a hippo?
– A hippopotamoose

Hang moose man! (loose)

What ancient land is knows as the “Cradle of Moose Civilization”?
– Moos-opotamia..

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