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Moose puns in 2025

Why did the moose cross the road?
– To prove it wasn’t chicken.

What do you call a moose that cares about their privacy?
– Anony-moose!

They herd him lecture the students publicly.

Why did the moose cross the road?
– To prove it wasn’t chicken

What do moose say when they get stuck up a tree?
– Elk me!

What’s as big as a moose, as flat as a pancake and weighs nothing?
– The moose’s shadow.

Make the moose of life!

What do moose listen to to relax?
– Moosic.

Moose-shy – Mollie Moose went all moose-shy when she fell in love.

Did you hear that a moose sat on my car this morning?
– No way, you moose-d be kidding me.

How did mama Moose differentiate between her twin son Moose?
– With a Moosetash

Moosel – A moose between shells.

What do you call a cross between a hippopotamus and a moose?
– A hippopotamoose.

What do you call a moose that plays piano?
– A moose-ician.

Why wouldn’t the moose sign an autograph?
-He wanted to be anony-moose.

Monty Moose found it difficult to remain anonymoose because of his huge antlers.

Ex-moose me, could you please repeat what you said?

How do you tell the difference between a cow and an elk?
– One moos, the other moose.

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