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Mothers day puns in 2025

I’m thankful for the mom-umental role you play in my life.

Gentlemen prefer moms.

“One minute you are young and cool, maybe even a little dangerous, and the next you are reading Amazon reviews for birdseed.” @simoncholland

“To me, you’re pearfect.”

You did a grape job raisin me, mom!

Take it on the mother-side

You always gave maxi-mum effort.

“I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know.”

“Pinkies up with my bes-tea.”

Mom, thanks for providing me with womb and board for all of these years!

Mom, you’re pearfect to me.

Mom, olive you.

“Mom’s recipe for iced coffee
: 1. Have kids. 2. Make coffee. 3. Forget you made coffee. 4. Drink it cold.”

“When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.”

“Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who provided me womb and board all those years ago.”

Cheers to thousands of perfect mom-ents this Mother’s Day!

Whiskey you a fabulous Mother’s Day

Thank you for puddin‘ up with me all these years!

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