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Mothers day puns in 2025

“They say women speak 20,000 words a day.
– I have a daughter who gets that done by breakfast.”

“I just wanted to let you know, you did a grape job raisin me.”

“You are opti-mum.”

You’re a woman like no m-other.

That voice in my head that tells me what I should do?
– It’s my inner mom-ologue.

4 Non Moms

“What did mommy spider say to baby spider?
– You spend too much time on the web.”

“Mom, you make my world butter just by being in it.”

You’re one in a melon, mom.

Thanks for giving me free womb and board!

– Because going to the bathroom in private is over-rated.”

“The majority of my diet is made up of foods that my kid didn’t finish.”

“Dear Mom, why yes, I would like some cheese with that whine.”

Mom, I love you loads. Speaking of, can you do my laundry?

I love my eda-mommy!

One way or a mother, I’m gonna find ya.

“A toddler can do more in one unsupervised minute than most people can do in a day.”

“I’m proud to be y’orchid.”

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