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Mothers day puns in 2025

“Every time my mom does my laundry, that’s when I know that I’ve truly hit the mother load.”

“You’re a pho-nomenal mom.”

Mom, I donut know what I’d do without you.

Mom, you’re one in a melon.

Keep Calm and Mother On

“What kind of flowers are best for Mother’s Day?
– Mums.”

“Thank you for being the most egg-cellent mom.”

Happy Mother’s Day. Thanks for puddin’ up with me.

Mums the word.

“I’m homeschooling like that substitute teacher who rolls in the tv for a movie and just eats snacks in the back of the class.” @fruitsofmotherhood

“Waking your kids up for school the first day after a break is almost as much fun as birthing them was.”

“Mom, you’re sew amazing.”

Mom, you’re knit-erally the best.

You’re on a mother level.

You always went above and beyond. You never did the mini-mum.

“A police recruit was asked during the exam, ‘What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?
– ‘ He said, ‘Call for backup.’ “

“Today, we celebrate a mom-entous occasion.”

“You da mom!”

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