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Mouse puns in 2025

A bully shouted to a cute mini mouse in exam hall “you are chee-sing.”

What do mice say to each other when they meet for the very first time?
– It is so mice to meet you!

5Where does Mickey love to go shopping for groceries or when he needs something?
– To the Minnie-mart!


Computer mouse – IT savvy mice.

The husband mouse and his wife had a great fight over what portion of cheese they would take.
However, they finally decided to compro-mice a little, they both had half.

Why are mice scared of swimming in the water?
– Because of all the catfish in it!

What does a computer mouse say when you give it a cookie?
– Can you use it for your browsing?

“We’d like to talk to you about cheeses” – Church Mice.

Daddy mice have mouse-taches.

The mouse from Europe always went to Czechy Cheese to celebrate her birthday.

What is a mouse that is always outside on the roads called?
– A roadent.

How does Mickey feel when he and Minnie get into a terrible argument?
– He feels mouse-rable.


Wow, you’re so infestinating.

Micky Mouse couldn’t find his pet so he went to outer space and finally found Pluto!

What type of music is a mouse’s least favorite in the entire world?
– Trap music.

What did Mickey Mouse feel like when he spun around too many times?
– He felt Disney.

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