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Mouse puns in 2025

The most loving cheese of a mouse is mouseralla.

If you offer a mouse a cookie, he won’t eat it, he’ll just ask if he could use it for your browsing.

What did the angry anony-mouse say when the cursor asked about his identity?
– I am the only mouse that clicks.

Got a new mouse mat today. Hope he uses it and stops leaving little footprints everywhere.

I’m having a mouse-warming party!

If you ever save a drowning mouse, you have to first recover him by using mouse to mouse resuscitation.

Why do mice stay inside when the sky is overcast with clouds?
– Because it might rain cats and dogs.

Which state is Mickey Mouse’s favorite place to visit?
– Minniesota.

Big Cheese

I hope to be a cheddar man.

The famous German mouse who opened a supermarket for other German mice is Stuart Lidl.

Why did the mouse scream when he broke his tooth?
– Because he has hard cheese.

What did the doctor say to his patient who complained about having hallucinations about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse?
How long do these Disney spells last for?


I only squeak when I’m squoken to.

The brilliant, furry, and funny one at sword fight is always a Mouseketeer.

Which mouse was a Roman leader and emperor?
– Julius Cheeser!

Why can a mouse never let go of a PC?
– Because its tail is always stuck in a monitor.

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