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Music puns in 2025

My brother wants to become a professional opera singer.
-Opera singing is his aria of interest.

A group of bunny rabbits decided to form a musical band that would only play the genre of hip-hop.

I thought I heard Tubular Bells on my farm last Christmas, but it was just my cold field.

My friend, the buttermilk, is the only one of us who goes to the opera every weekend.
– That’s because he’s the only one who’s cultured

To understand the future of music, one needs to go Bach in time.

My brother wants to become a professional opera singer.
-Opera singing is his aria of interest.

Handel couldn’t buy his favorite pair of trousers because he had gone Baroque.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is starring in a movie about classical music coosers.
-He’ll be Bach!

The programmer had a really hard time understanding the music at the party.
-He didn’t understand the algo-rhythm.

Avocados love to listen to Guac and Roll.

Never wear a headband as they make music on your head!

Walked into a music shop and the manager said, “Good morning”. I said “You too”.
-He said, “Second aisle on the left”.

The opera singer loved to go sailing in her free time.
– She really hoped to catch the high C’s.

All I see the planets doing is dancing around to the best nep-tunes.

An elephant was really sad because he wasn’t chosen as the lead in the musical.
– He really wanted to be known for his performance in the elephantom of the opera.

Out of all the musicians, the most ardent tea lover was definitely T-Chai-Kovsky.

My friend says he’s going to start learning bass guitar… something about this sounds fishy.

Vegetables love to listen to songs for one sole reason.
-They love the beet drop.

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