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Music puns in 2025

My friend, the buttermilk, is the only one of us who goes to the opera every weekend.
– That’s because he’s the only one who’s cultured

To understand the future of music, one needs to go Bach in time.

My brother wants to become a professional opera singer.
-Opera singing is his aria of interest.

Handel couldn’t buy his favorite pair of trousers because he had gone Baroque.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is starring in a movie about classical music coosers.
-He’ll be Bach!

The programmer had a really hard time understanding the music at the party.
-He didn’t understand the algo-rhythm.

Avocados love to listen to Guac and Roll.

Never wear a headband as they make music on your head!

Walked into a music shop and the manager said, “Good morning”. I said “You too”.
-He said, “Second aisle on the left”.

The opera singer loved to go sailing in her free time.
– She really hoped to catch the high C’s.

All I see the planets doing is dancing around to the best nep-tunes.

An elephant was really sad because he wasn’t chosen as the lead in the musical.
– He really wanted to be known for his performance in the elephantom of the opera.

Out of all the musicians, the most ardent tea lover was definitely T-Chai-Kovsky.

My friend says he’s going to start learning bass guitar… something about this sounds fishy.

Vegetables love to listen to songs for one sole reason.
-They love the beet drop.

After his death, the musician couldn’t decide whether he wanted to take the stairway to heaven or the highway to hell.

 At the music-themed party, ‘The Police’ arrested singer Nate Reuss for having too much fun.

My local dress alteration company is really fast.
-Tailor swift.

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