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Music puns in 2025

I don’t think wind turbines like classical music.
– They’re big metal fans, though!

I’ve written a song about tortilla.
-It’s more of a rap.

The Jam and Cream were both going to reform to play a series of gigs in Devon & Cornwall, but they couldn’t agree who would go on first

The electric guitar took his students to a live performance.
– When the guitar player played the highest note, he said, “Note that down”.

Everyone was really annoyed with the female lead of the musical because she was throwing tantrums all the time.
– “What a diva”, they said.

I used to make puns about music in convents but then I got out of the habit. 

The open-air arena’s management had to stop the band’s performance midway because ‘The Weather Report’ wasn’t that good.

A friend of mine is a musician.
-He used to be in a band called The Hinges, used to be quite big. They supported The Doors.

Cows are excellent singers for bands as they sing on the scale of beef flat!

Cats love to listen to mewsic during their free time.

Marine biologists have discovered a group of killer whales that keep on meeting up and playing music together.
-They called it an orca-stra!

I don’t think I can only make one pun on music directors.
– If I start writing, I’ll end up making a Liszt.

At any given time, the urge to sing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is never more than a whim away.

The music teacher accidentally got locked out of her own home.
-Turns out, she’d forgotten the keys in the piano.

Someone told Franz that there was no way someone could make a better composition than him
– “Are you Schubert that?”, he replied.

A musician should never B flat, sometimes B sharp, and always B natural

My brother listens to rock music while rollerblading in our neighborhood since he loves Rock and Roll!

Tornadoes jam to the genre of Twist music!

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