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Mustache puns in 2024

Why are the careers of celebrity mustaches so short lived?
– They are hair today, gone tomorrow.

Don’t bash the ‘stache.

How do you say ‘happy birthday’ to a man with a moustache? Tell him to have a fan-tache-stick birthday!

I shaved my mustache after having kept it for a few years
– I hated the way I looked at first, but it’s growing on me.

A cow was wandering for its favorite facial designing.
Finally, it got the moo-stache.

James Bond with no beard should be called as agent Zero Zero Shaven.

I had a friend who always wore a mask, so he grew a moustache without anyone noticing it. I guess you could say that he had a secret stache!

I never liked the idea of having a mustache..
-But then it grew on me.

Conpliment someone on their mustache ….
– And suddenly she won’t talk to you.

Someone mustasche grandpa to shave, his hugs are so tickly!

Why is a mustache well ventilated at all times?
– Because it’s very h-airy.

Where does a bum grow a moustache? On his bottom lip!

My buddy told me he had a threesome with his girlfriend and her twin…….
– I asked how he could tell them apart. He said “Her brother has a mustache.”

The barber got almost killed by a car today.
It was an exceptionally close shave with hell to him.

Movember’s here. It’s mustache season all over again.

Mustache: A must have.

I spent years searching for the perfect mustache
-It was right under my nose the whole time.

I mustache you a question…
– But I’ll shave it for later

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