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Nacho puns in 2024

You’ve guac to be kidding me.

I need to work for that cheddar.

I was making some nachos for breakfast when a drop fell on the floor.
I said to myself, “Guess you could say I cheesed it.”

What did the nacho chip say to the cheese dip?
– It said, “I love you, in queso you didn’t know.”

I’m nacho average person.

I‘m going to get nachos by whatever beans necessary.

My brother once dressed up as a monster nacho during Halloween. He kept calling himself Dr Frankenacho!

What do you call a person who has spilled nachos all over the floor?
– You call him a messy-can!

Sometimes, you need to taco break.

Cheese (These) are my favorite puns.

My wife and I were making nachos, and she told me she was gonna start grating the cheese.
– I asked her if penmanship counts.

Working the concession stand at the ball park and someone asks me for extra cheese on their nachos.
Me: oh you are an overacheeser. Lots of groans not sure they will ask me to volunteer again.

What do you call a nacho that is popular amongst the animals in the jungle?
– We call it the fau-nachos!

How have you bean?

He’s such a cheddar-box.

Yesterday, I tried telling my father one nacho pun, but he figured out the punchline before I could even finish. When I asked him how he did that, he said, “Because this is nacho joke!”

How to tell when someone is nacho friend
– They get jalapeño face

I’m nacho type.

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