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Nacho puns in 2025

Cheese is the grate-est food to exist.

What’s a nacho’s favorite dance?
– The salsa.

What did the dad tell his son when he offered him some homemade nachos?
– He said, “Son, these are nacho best.”

He’s got a bad queso the flu.

It’s a little chilli today.

I went to this Mexican food take-away and ordered some nacho fries. The guy behind the counter immediately put up some nacho fries on the counter. I was surprised by the prompt service, but when I went to take it, he refused to give it to me and kept on saying, “Nacho fries! Nacho fries!”

Why did the insecure cornitos always hesitate before doing something important?
– they were nacho sure about anything anymore.

You corn count on me.

You have to cheese (chase) your dreams.

Son: Dad if I’m 99 pounds and eat 1 pound of nachos I would be 99% human 1% nachos!
Dad: you’re 100% my son you will not !
Son: 99% your son.
Son: 1% nacho son.

Which came first, the nacho or the cheese?
– So I just got a huge eyeroll for this one. Making use of leftover snacks from new year’s eve we decided on nachos for dinner tonight. I used so much cheese that I walked over to her as I put them in the oven and said “I hope you like your nachos like you like your boyfriends,” then looked her dead in the eye when she turned to me and said “extra cheesy.”

In Sweden, what kind of nacho also qualifies as a monetary unit for the people?
– This type of nacho is known as Kro-nacho!

We’re meant to bean.

I have utmost grate-itude for you.

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