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Nature puns in 2025

The hill looked hard at first, but I got over it!

What is the color of the wind?
– Blew!

How do you cut the sea in half?
– With a see saw!

How did the apple tree get the job?
– It had the right qua-leaf-ications!

As fir as the eyes can see.

What did the flower say after it told a joke?
– I was pollen your leg!

Why were the herbs not fully grown yet?
– They didn’t have enough thyme!

When something evolves, it becomes a fork of nature.

Why can’t pine trees sew?
– Because they always drop their needles!

What kind of music does a mountain like?
– Rock music!

Where do flowers recharge?
– At a power plant!

What runs but never gets out of breath?
– A river!

What’s all the comm-ocean?

What did the little tree say to the big tree?
– Leaf me alone!

Last bud not least, let’s take a hike!

Why did the sun go to school?
– To get brighter!

What kind of hair do oceans have?
– Wavy!

What did the tree do when his bank closed?
– He went to another branch!

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