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Nose puns in 2025

How do you call someone with no body and no nose?
-Nobody knows.

Doc, every time I smell Mexican food my heart races.
Doc: Sounds like tacocardia.

What kind of ant smells the best?
– Deodorant.

Does your nose run? Do your feet smell?
– You must be built upside down

I saw a suspicious person with a peg nose on the street today. I called him suspeg.

Did you know your nose can’t be longer than 12 inches ?
– Otherwise it will be a foot.

There was a company that sent people to everyone’s homes and claimed that they could track you from your smell. But they couldn’t do that without your con-scent.

Lord Voldemort
Needs to work out his anger issues(and get a nose)

There’s a name for a person who has no nose and also doesn’t know much. He’s called nose-less.

Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
– It’s the scenter.

The thing people overlook most of the time, is their noses.

What smells of egg and swings through the jungle?
– A meringue-utan!

“Whassamatter..Boss stop short?”

What do you call someone with no body and no nose?
– Nobody knows.

One day when the teacher asked in class, what is the nose filled with, Rob answered, “boogers”. The teacher was not amused and said, “That’s snot the answer that I was looking for.”

I was sick and told my mom I had a runny nose. She told me, “You should tell it to walk instead”.

51. If a room smells bad, people should light nice smelling candles. That just make scents.

My 2 years old sister’s stinky feet were smelling like cheese. My dad was wondering what happened, so I told him that she had chee-toes.

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