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Nose puns in 2025

One day a T-Rex slipped and It broke its nose. The doctor said it’d need a dinoplasty.

Is it the tar that smells like farts?
– No, it was your asphalt

Hey, I found your nose.
– It was all up in my business.

What do you call an elephant with a stuffy nose?
– Junk in the trunk.

Whenever people walk by snobby vegetables in the market, they always ‘turnip’ their noses.

What do you call a person with no nose and no body?
– Nobody knows

The insects that smell the best are deodor-ants.

Why do jews have big noses?
– Air is free.

I was wondering about the name of the person who doesn’t have a body or a nose. I guess nobody nose his name.

Kid shows me his Red Nose Robin
Kid: Look Dad it’s Robin!
Me: What’s he robbing 🤨
Kid: facepalm 🤣

How do you call someone with no body and no nose?
-Nobody knows.

Doc, every time I smell Mexican food my heart races.
Doc: Sounds like tacocardia.

What kind of ant smells the best?
– Deodorant.

Does your nose run? Do your feet smell?
– You must be built upside down

I saw a suspicious person with a peg nose on the street today. I called him suspeg.

Did you know your nose can’t be longer than 12 inches ?
– Otherwise it will be a foot.

There was a company that sent people to everyone’s homes and claimed that they could track you from your smell. But they couldn’t do that without your con-scent.

Lord Voldemort
Needs to work out his anger issues(and get a nose)

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