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Nose puns in 2025

I saw a stranger on the bus today and told him that his nose was runny,
– but he told me it’s snot.

A man has no body and no nose. Who is he?
– Nobody knows

There was a man who went to trial for stealing a perfume bottle. He was found in-a-scent.

Q: What do you call somebody with no body and no nose?
A: Nobody knows.

My friend asked if I ever thought about how a nose tastes. I told him that it doesn’t.

Nose jokes are boring
Eyes jokes are cornea

Your nose can not be 12 inches. Because then it would be a foot.

I’ve noticed lately that my feet don’t smell very good.
So I’ve started using my nose instead.

What kind of poo smells nice?
– Shampoo

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