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Nut puns in 2025

The kind of socks you need when planting nuts are garden hoses.

Why did the nut often go barefoot?
– Because it’s hard to find cashews that fit.

I want an almond flavoured biscuit. Amaretti?
– You bet I am.

If I hang this on the wall, is it called a walnut?

A motivated nut is a pecan. Because pe-can do anything.

What was said by one nut to another nut?
– Help.

Which is cheaper, a can of beer nuts or deer nuts?
– Deer nuts by a mile. You can find them under a buck.

What is a coconut never guilty of?
– Answer: Nuttiness

Cashew see I’m nuts about you?

The bare almond looked at its picture with clothes, and said, “that’s me in a nutshell”!

Why did the squirrel pack away walnuts on his long journey?
– To ensure he walnut fail to reach his destination.

Traffic officials are investigating the reason for the peanut butter highway jam. They suspect it was caused by the addition of jelly to cause a jam.

What is the difference between a nut and bolt and a pregnant woman?
– You can unscrew a nut and bolt.

No pine no gain!

The nuts often visited the bar for beverages are known as the snack bar.

What did one nut friend say to another?
– I’ll cashew you later.

Why was there peanut butter on the road?
– It went with the traffic jam.

The pecan and the walnut are good friends because they are both nuts.

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