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Nut puns in 2025

What do you call a pistachio on a spaceship?
– Answer: An astro-nut!

Cashew a question?
– Nut now!

Don’t panic, stay c-almond and collected.

Why do walnuts and pecans go to see a psychiatrist?
– Because they are both nuts.

What do bankers consider the wealthiest nuts?
– Cashoos.

What do you call it when a alien bust a nut
– A starburst

Don’t look! I can see you pecan through the window.

The kind of socks you need when planting nuts are garden hoses.

Why did the nut often go barefoot?
– Because it’s hard to find cashews that fit.

I want an almond flavoured biscuit. Amaretti?
– You bet I am.

If I hang this on the wall, is it called a walnut?

A motivated nut is a pecan. Because pe-can do anything.

What was said by one nut to another nut?
– Help.

Which is cheaper, a can of beer nuts or deer nuts?
– Deer nuts by a mile. You can find them under a buck.

What is a coconut never guilty of?
– Answer: Nuttiness

Cashew see I’m nuts about you?

The bare almond looked at its picture with clothes, and said, “that’s me in a nutshell”!

Why did the squirrel pack away walnuts on his long journey?
– To ensure he walnut fail to reach his destination.

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