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Nut puns in 2025

This is nut so solid. It’s peanut brittle.

What sound is made by a nut when it comes active ?
– Christmas.

What do you call nuts on top of ice cream?
– Ala-mond.

Where can you learn about pecans?
– Answer: The internut

What do you call a nut that likes chess?
– A chess-nut.

If someone knows what is eaten by squirrels , he will go nuts.

What do you call mixed nuts?
– Cashews with obstacles.

Why did the crazy farmer become rich?
– He switched to nuts when told that was the most profitable crop.

What did the nut chasing the other nut say?
– Imma cashew

What happens to a nut when it is nervous?
– It cracks.

What was said by the nut to chase the other nut?
– Imma cashew.

Why did the female cashew berate her boyfriend?
– Because when dressing she caught him pecan through the window.

What’s yellow, smells of almonds and swings from cake to cake?
– Tarzipan.

The police are having a hard time interrogating the suspected walnut, because it’s a tough nut to crack.

I must nut eat all the almonds!

What do you call a magician nut?
– An individual who is able to turn into a nut.

Why did the man call the fire department for help?
– Because he was eating nuts and he had an almond-fire.

Which nut is the worst for your diet?
– Answer: Donuts

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