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Orange puns in 2025

Did you hear the news? Absolutely a-peel-ing!

These ORANGEMENTS I bought from Rajasthan when I went their for a trip last month

We are going rind in circles.

I would go to the party, but I’m just not feeling my zest.

STORANGER things is actually one of my most favourite web series

How did you ORANGED this

I’ll stay as long as you seed me to.

I give this orange the peel of approval.

He is the General ORANGER of this property

You can actually never ever PEEL my pain

The court SQUEEZED all his properties

Squeeze don’t go!

Rinders keepers!

What could be the FRUIT cause of that problem which you are actually facing these days

He won’t EX – ORANGE this dress for you

Bitter late than never.

I zest my case.

You are so FRUIT

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