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Owl puns in 2025

I hired a wise owl to watch my kids while I was away
-Turns out they had a bit of a hootinanny.

Owl jump on the barn-wagon

A bunch of rough-and-tumble owls met at the local dive bar.
-Before you knew it, the whole thing turned into a free-for-owl.

Where do owls go on their honeymoon?
-Their love nest.

Look hoo’s talking!

Don’t bother telling me your knock-knock joke.
-Owl just let you in.

someone here is possessed by a owl

When an owl has a deep voice, what is it called?
-A growl.

There was an owl in the 1930s who became an infamous crime boss. His name?
-Owl Capone.

Pet rabbit missing. Last seen carried away by owl
-Fowl play suspected.

Someone told me you sell owls.

That owl hasn’t taken a bath in several days.
– He’s really starting to smell fowl.

Did you hear the gossip about the owl who hooked up with his boss?
-I won’t tell you hoo.

Owl always love you.

What does an owl need after he goes swimming?
-A towl..

Did you hear about the owl party?
-It was a hoot.

Believe it or not, I heard about an owl that’s one heck of a boxer!
– They call him Muhammad Owl-ee!

In the rough section of Owlville, owls are frequently victims of drive-by hootings.

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