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Owl puns in 2024

What’s an owl’s favorite 90s rap song?
-Hoot! There It Is!

An owl lost its voice,It didn’t give a hoot.

What do you call it when an owl has an upset stomach?
-Irritable Owl Syndrome.

That owl would probably have more friends if he wasn’t such a wise guy.

What’s this about all owl puns being bad?
-Says hoo?

If an owl is like a well read chicken, what is an owl’s favorite food?
-Book worms.

Keep talking, I’m owl ears.

How did the owl feel on his first date?

If a group of owls is called a parliament
-Is a group of Russian owls called an Owligarchy?

There are two owls playing pool when one misses the shot.
– The other owl says “two hits”, the first owl says “two hits to who?”.

One of the worst emergencies ever to hit Owlville was an epidemic of eb-owl-a.

Why did the owl join Tinder?
– He didn’t want to be owl by himself.

Some owls like to read murder mystery novels.
-They’re big fans of hoo-dunnits.

Why did the owl throw a party at his house?
-He just didn’t want to be owl by himself.

What do we call a bravery owl living in the Medieval?
-A night owl!

Owl of a sudden the barn owl appeared from nowhere.

What is an owl’s favorite restaurant?

What’s the difference between a tuna, a piano, and an owl?
-You can tuna piano but you can’t piano a tuna.

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