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Oyster puns in 2025

Why don’t oysters share their pearls?
– Because they are shellfish

I got my oys on you.

Shell-ebrate good times!

It’s an old joke that oysters are shellfish becauee they dont want to share…
– But no one complains about the hedgehogs? Share the hedge, jerks!

Coy-ster – Oysters that find it hard to open up to others.

Is this life or is this fanta-sea?

Why did the Oyster visit the Physio?
– He pulled a Mussel

Why don’t oysters give to charity?
– Because they’re shellfish

Its time to say bye-valve.

Why do crabs dislike oysters?
– Because they are shellfish.

The shellfish was pretty m-oyst.

Shellfish are pretty shell-ow when it comes to choosing friends.

I just got hired by a high end restaurant, but the only thing I do is prepare oysters.
My job really shucks.

Aww, shucks…

My sea-gnificant other.

What did the oyster cleaner say when his colleagues threw him a party?
– Aw shucks

Why wouldn’t the oyster give up her pearl?
– She was shellfish.

My parents went to the mall-usk. (mollusk)

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