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Oyster puns in 2025

Are you shore about this?

What does an oyster wear into battle?
– Clamouflage

I think you’re su-pearl cool.

Why did the oyster’s girlfriend dump him?
He was shellfish in the seabed

No, my 4 year old son didn’t write this. I did.

The world is your oyster.

Don’t be so shell-fish.

An oyster says to her boyfriend ” I feel like I can really open up to you.”
– “Awww shucks”

Don’t b-oyst (boast) about your achievements.

Can you keep a sea-cret.

Eating dinner with a group of friends this weekend and the oyster appetizer was at the other end of the table. ‘Can you get me an oyster?’
“Sorry, they’re all gone.”
“Aww shucks!”

You need a pearl-mit to do business.

Why wouldn’t the oyster give up her pearl?
– She was shellfish.

Oy, hello there!

Seek and you shell find.

Did you hear about the oyster that over did it on the dance floor?
– He pulled a mussel.

B-oyster – A male oyster, duh.

Hide and sea-k.

You may as well call me an oyster
– Because im shellfish…

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