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Funny puns in 2025

It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.

Photons are lucky.
-They never get baggage charges at airports because they’re always travelling light.

Don’t yolk with me.

What anime do you get when you mix a melon and a collie?
– ‘The Melon-collie of Haruhi Suzumiya.’

I Goat this!

“My heart beets for you.”

If a kid won’t take a nap, is that “resisting a rest”?

Steal my heart, not my waffle maker.

What’s blue and doesn’t weigh much?
– Light blue

I’m a big fan of renewable energy

You’re so hot, you denature my proteins.

It was hard to fur-give him after that.

A dung beetle walks into a bar and says, “Excuse me, is this stool taken?

What cheese cries the most?
– Babybel.

That’s what cheese said

If your mind is at cheese, you can focus completely and achieve anything.

Happy Fry-day!

 The retired General would not color Easter eggs because he said that old soldiers never dye.

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