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Funny puns in 2025

What is the kind of Italian food that all knee surgery experts like to get as lunch?
– They like to get macaro-knee!

Why did the knee surgeon have a lot of food every day?
– This was because he was a case of gluto-knee!

My son made waffles for breakfast today. They weren’t that w-awful.

Looking forward to an extra free weekend this Labor Day #idaho

You and I make a real prickly pear!

I doughnot belong here. 

Y’all bready for this?

How did you ORANGED this

I dont know how i goat here

As we were at the top of the Eiffel Tower watching a beautiful sunset, I got down on one knee and said, “Honey?”
She gasped audibly and said, “Yeah?”

I said, “Help! My knee is made of magnets!”


Dat Knee
– Disney

I was at the restaurant when I spilled all the condiment over my leg. Now, there are mayoknees!

Why were the jokes about knee surgery so hilarious that they were knee slappers?
– This was because they were very fun-knee!

The number one rule of camping is that you can’t run. You can only ran, because it’s past tents.

Make Mornings Matter

Just turned down a job at my local vegetable shop; the celery was unacceptable.

I hope thistle cheer you up

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