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Funny puns in 2025

I donut understand food puns. 


Spruce Sprigsteen.

How do you make a waterbed bouncier?
– Fill it with spring water.

If only I’d gnome.

Oh, paw-lease

Two uranium nuclei were waiting in line to go into a nuclear reactor.
-Bye,” said one, getting to the front of the queue. “Gotta split!

Enjoying this so matcha.”

These cookies were crumbelievable.

Tequila wont fix your life..
..But its definitely worth a shot.

Why are great administrators always made by koalas?
– Because koalas are always so apprehensive about koalaty.

You are such an ARR – ROGANT man 

we have Hisss-tory togather.

I went to a store because I needed some. It was a hot day and the line was so long I pasta-out in the store.

Knee-dless to say, get well soon.

What is a pile of kittens called?
– A meowtain.

What’s always the last piece of cheese left?
– Forever provolone!

Why do fish always lose their court cases?
– They are always gill-ty.

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