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Funny puns in 2025

Stevie Wonder walks into a bar…
– And a table, and a chair

What songs do stars, and planets sing for birthday and Christmas?
– Nep-tunes!

If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone’s favorite season?
– Fall.

Those aliens that abduct cows must be gamblers.
They’re always raising the steaks.

A student kept asking the physics teacher, “What is the unit of power?” but the teacher just kept saying “Yes.”

A physicist was reading a book.
– “This chapter’s really tough to move through,” she said. “What’s it about?” asked her friend. “Friction,” the physicist replied.

What type of vehicle should you use for a fall hayride?
– An autumn-mobile!

On holiday in Paris? Don’t forget the Eiffel Power

Let’s throw a Gardenia party.

I love Disney too much — it’s my biggest Walt

Robert HUMANN was actually my most favourite German Composer

Why do jews have big noses?
– Air is free.

 I had a real problem making a hard-boiled egg this morning until I cracked it.

 A raspberry pie sent a Valentine. “Pie love you
berry much”, it said.

Which Biochemicals Wash Up on Beaches?
– Nucleotides

Whenever fall arrives, leaves start changing their colour autumn-matically.

I burst into the kitchen and shouted at my wife, “Honey! Whatever you do, do NOT let them take your temperature on your forehead when you go into the supermarket!! It erases your memory!! I went in for bread and milk like you asked…”
“…and came out with two cases of beer!!!”

Being a vampire completely sucks.

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