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Funny puns in 2025

What did that hat say to the gloves?
– You guys can stay here, I’m gonna go on ahead.

Q: Whats a penguins favorite relative?
– A: Aunt Arctica!

A bank is a place that will lend you money,
– if you can prove that you don’t need it.

What’s a seal’s favorite social activity?
– Clubbing…

I’m so sorry

I set it first.

Which is the most loving vegetable? An artichoke, as it has a heart.

What do you learn in witch school?
– Spelling.

“You grow, girl.”

What did the priest say to the nun at the salad bar?
Lettuce pray.
*very proud of this joke, wrote it yeas ago and it still makes me laugh every time.

Lettuce do our best.

Ice cold deer.

I’m so lepre-gone right now.

When a rose is between a book,
– it lasts forever.

Almost all garden gnomes have red hats
– It’s a little gnome fact

What’s big and grey with horns?
– An elephant marching band!

A divorced man is walking to town when he discovers an old lamp in oddly impeccable shape glistening through the bushes.
– He decides it’s worth a closer look, walks over and picks it up.

Our local zoo only has giraffes. It’s called Giraffic Park.

Why don’t giraffes play basketball at the zoo?
– Too many cheetahs!

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