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Funny puns in 2025

The Pharaoh decided to visit his dentist the other day. That’s because Egypt his tooth.

I would offer you a succulent or two, but I haven’t botany!

The orange police officer said to the detectives in the crime scene to get to the fruit of the matter.

I saw a squirrel throw up today! It was nuts! What do you call a holy squirrel?
– A chipmunk.

Let’s cuddle on a rainy day watch old movies and make out

I was really surprised when I learned that singer Pink’s favorite color was actually green. No one could have i-magenta-it.

What cheese can fly? Curds of prey!

There’s snow place like home

“I really snailed it this semester.”

Why did the football coach throw a cupcake at the opposing team’s player?
– He was icing the kicker!

One day we were playing cards in the casino near our home and a bunch of pickles walked in wanting to play as well. We had no option but to dill’em in.

“In freedom, wolves are grown, but deal with them is short: In grass, in ice, in snow, — A wolf is always shot.”

Most of the employees in the organization have their Mondays as the busiest day, on asking the reason some of them replied, “ We are busy on Mondays as we receive a lot of melon this day ”.

Dentists love when their patients play Fornite, a great way to get the kids flossing!

Chive loved you for so long.

The short-tempered apple is called a crab- apple.

How much did the squirrel pay for the car?
– Peanuts.

Say it cloud and proud.

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