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Funny puns in 2025

We have shell-ected the best snail jokes.

 A man couldn’t work out how to fasten his
seatbelt. Then it suddenly clicked!

Why do Canadians always have such good hair?
– Because of all the moose

How do you identify a dogwood tree?
– By its bark!

What would 25 skydiving lawyers be called?
– Skeet.

As chick as thieves

What did the steak say when he came across his nemesis?
– Ah, we meat again!

What did the doctor say to his patient who complained about having hallucinations about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse?
How long do these Disney spells last for?

Don’t be caught smack daub in the middle.

I prick you to be my valentine.

How do you prevent a Summer cold? Catch it in the Winter!

Why was the fox good with his money?
– Because he didn’t make any unnecessary furchases!

I bought a new cutting hedge technology weed -whacker today…..

What do you call an alien with 3 balls ?
– E.T. (extra testicle.)

I really prefer the chocolate they sell at the
airport: plane chocolate.

Seasoning’s greetings.

Make like a tree and leaf!

My lawyer advised me of a hernia mesh replacement lawsuit
– Sounds like a huge pain in the butt

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