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Funny puns in 2025

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

What does a sunflower flower write on their Valentine day’s card?
– Aloe you vera much

“You bring the tequila and I’ll bring the bad decisions.”

What’s a cat’s favorite button on the TV remote?
– Paws.

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
– Nacho cheese!

I want to wish you “A Pea Father’s Day”, dad.

The one day of the week that eggs are definitely afraid of is Fry-day.

 The egg did not play on the computer too much because his mother said his brain would be fried.

Why did the man with the bad knee go to the mathematician?
– Because his knees were giving him problems he couldn’t solve.

Why does my brother always attack my knees playfully?
– Well, he really gets a kick out of it.

 I saw an ad that said “television for sale, $1, volume stuck on full” and I thought to myself, I can’t turn that down.

Whats blue and not heavy?
– Light blue :)))

There’s a new theory on inertia, but it doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.

Mom said she’d throw her son from a cliff if he didn’t eat his vegetables …
-… but it was a bluff!

Like my paw-jamas?

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
-He neverlands.

Let’s hatch a plan.

For Sale: Replica Fisherman’s Knife
– Not made to scale

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