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Funny puns in 2025

what did the tomato say to the potato?
-“I’ll ketchup with you later”

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Cesc and the City

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Did you hear the isobar is the perfect place for all meteorologists to stop to get a drink on their way home.

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Did you hear about the colorful sea cow?
– Oh the hue-manatee!!!

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Call me cheesy, but I melt when I’m in your warm embrace.

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Two dragons walk into a bar. One says to the other “It’s hot in here” The other replies “shut your mouth”

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I sleigh all day

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Wizards and witches go to Hogwarts to learn how to spell.

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Sometimes I knit too late. It makes me yarn.

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What did the pickle say when he was told he was going into a salad?
– “I relish the thought.”

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“Wolves fail to hide their integrity just like the way men fail to hide their own animality.”

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Life is like eating a watermelon, you know you’re going to get some seeds; just spit them out and take another bite

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All the dentists and the TSA have one thing in common. It’s the cavity checks.

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Can you be-leaf how great all my succulent plants are doing?

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 When fruit becomes famous through their work, they are called star fruits.

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What do you get if you cross a squirrel with an elephant?
– An animal that remembers where it hid its nuts.

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Coffee, books and rain Perfect day

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In the quiz competition about colors, I wanted to help my partner by giving a tint, but he couldn’t catch it!

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