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Funny puns in 2025

When the King heard that the prisoner escaped he told the guards to Cesium.

Sup succa.


How did the foxes travel while on vacation?
– Fur-st Class!


When it was time to celebrate the day earth was born, everybody wished her, “Happy Earthday!”

The chocolate day was just getting butter as each mo-mint passed by.

This is no mean heat.

A artist painted a wonderful fruit painting. It was a beautiful peach of work.

What is it called when your knee transplant fails?
– Irony

 If a duck was crossed with a crocodile, it would make a quack-odile

My girlfriend just told me the local supermarkets might run out of meat due to Covid-19.
– I told her, I’m not worried. There’s more than one way to skin a cat

Why did the zombie soccer player get sent off?
– He kept moving the ghoul-posts.

When the homeowner threw sodium chloride at the thief, he cried out that it was an as-salt.

Pie’ve been waiting all season for this

What do whales like to draw with? A-krill-ic paint.

After maths, the accountant’s favorite class in high school was fiscal education.

Proposition 19

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