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Funny puns in 2025

My bedroom light went out yesterday.
– I still haven’t any idea where it went.

Did you hear about the cloud who became king? He Rained for years.

All the vegetables decided to run a marathon. During the race, the red-faced tomato was lagging behind quite a bit. The other vegetables thought that he’ll never be able to ketchup with them.

Did you know about the psychic solitary crab?
– Makes shell-fulfilling visions.

That German club with the different types of hot dogs in it sounded good but I declined to go
– because it was too krauted.

I wish to god you’d have that mole removed!

It was sad that even in this day, many apples treat a foreign apple as an out-cider.

When proton that opposite charges attract each other, he went to electron and told, “I’m positively attracted to you.”

Five minutes octo be enough time.

“Matcha over everything; matcha on my mind.” — Inspired by Drake’s “Headlines”

Man, go-od job on landing that job!

What do you call in insect on the moon? A lunar tick.

I thought reverse psychology was when you made your therapist cry.

There’s a way of lighting candles even when you don’t have matches.
– You just have to cut a bit off of the candle, so that it becomes a little lighter.

No bun intended.

What did the potato say to the tomato?
– Hey sweetie, why are you blushing?

When you meet an injured lemon, give it lemon-aid.

We ended up grilling too many hot dogs so now we are in a pickle.

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