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Funny puns in 2025

“I’d like to apple-ogize for the pun.”

The neutron couldn’t get his mobile phone up and running as there was no charge for him.

While helping my friends take his furniture and other stuff to a new house, I was horrified when I broke a beautiful old chair that she had.
I profusely apologized for it,
– but she said it was okay because she couldn’t chair less about it.

Is he CANDLELLY disabled

How do astronauts blow their nose?
– Easy, it’s snot rocket science.

Halloween candy is yummy and all, but don’t forget to save room for “I scream”!

How did the guy know that he had eaten magic
mushrooms? The mushrooms started dancing.

“It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right, I hope you had the time of your life.”

A small scoop of unicorn ice cream is called a uni-cone.

Just crust me.

What did the potato say to the tomato?
– Hey sweetie, why are you blushing?

Who is the most favorite singer of lemons?
– It must be John Lemon, for sure!

“This float is so flocking fabulous.”

“Bonfire nights are the best nights.”

When you cross a train engine and an apple pie, you get Puff pastry.

There was a famous owl that was known for being a huge Whitney Houston fan. Its favorite song?
-Owl Always Love You

A dad asks his son, “What has four legs but isn’t alive?”
– The son says,”Nice try dad, a chair!”

– “Not this time son, our dog is dead”

Congrats on proving that getting older doesn’t mean getting wiser.

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