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Funny puns in 2025

Mussels, scallops and oysters never share
– They’re shellfish.

Don’t call us, wheel call you

Make the moose of life!

Where does the sun hide at night?
– Just keep looking for it, it’ll dawn on you soon!

Why are lawyers always so charming?
– Because they have their own appeal.

there’s no-fin left to say.

I want to TREE

How did the mice in the house communicate when the homeowner got a cat?
– The mice communicated by using Mouse Code of dots, dashes, and squeaks.

Round the blend.

Hey I just met you, and this is gravy, but
here’s my stuffing, so carve me maybe

Did you hear of the story of the tornado? There is a twist
at the end!

What did the fox say during their wedding oath?
– “Tail death do us part.”

have you tryed eating a clock…its TIME CONSUMING

Ahoy-ster – An oyster that sails the seven seas in search of buried treasure.

New gear’s resolution.

What do moose listen to to relax?
– Moosic.

It’s party thyme!

What is that one thing that never helps when it is resolved?
– A jury.

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