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Funny puns in 2025

Monty Moose found it difficult to remain anonymoose because of his huge antlers.

What nature phenomenon is the funniest?
– A cyclown!

My father was a lawyer for 25 years before he went to culinary school. Now, he’s a sue chef.

you should chews to be jaws-itive.

Government gave all the farmers RELEAF after there crops were all damaged due to disaster

Edward Scissorhands does not like to use the computer mouse at all. He goes for the shortcut keys.

Get off to a bad art.

Thinner before Thanksgiving dinner

we shelldom go to the turtles section in zoo.

Why did the fox stop speaking after spilling his secrets?
– He realised he had made a fox pas.

I told my friend to look at the clock then I said. ” is this a bad time

I got my oys on you.

Let your conscience be your ride

Ex-moose me, could you please repeat what you said?

How does the rain tie its shoes?
– With a rainbow!

What did the advocate name his son?
– Sue.

A chicken and an egg walk into a bar… The bartender says, “Who’s first?”

They are TREE in number

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