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Funny puns in 2025

Where does the sun drink mostly?
– Sunglasses

Why couldn’t you keep the alarm clock in a jail?
– Because it kept running out.

Why the pho can’t you tell me where that noodle restaurant is?

Dock and Roll

What did the Roman physicist say when he saw Jesus hanging from the cross, just a few feet off the ground?
– I don’t see much potential

What do lions wear to bed?
– Paw-jamas.

Dear, burgers. You’re so barbe-cute

There’s no-fin i wouldnt do for u

“I wood never leaf you.”

What do monkeys do for laughs?
– They tell jokes about people.

Where there is happiness and laughter, there is a BBQ

One should never discuss about infinity with someone who teaches math
-The discussion will have no end!

Why do turtles never forget? Because they have
turtle recall.

Make your own decisions this summer, don’t give in to pier pressure.

How can you tell when your clock is really hungry?
– It goes back four seconds.

– They donate their proceeds to charity.

In Wave Danger

Why wouldn’t the moose tell you his name?
– He wanted to stay anony-moose

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