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Funny puns in 2025

My pupil asked which writer wrote the best dinosaur stories.
– I said he should try Sarah Topps.

I have a pure seal (zeal) for animal puns.

Your mom called. You left your game at home.

Never eat with your mouth open especially when eating dessert so shut your cake hole.

You’re old, but I do not carrot all.

It’s a little bit rad, but not totally rad. It’s only rad-ish.

Since the crustacean was late for work every day, she lobster job.

All I want for Christmas is ewe.

Take a mantle note

Today I be-leaf in leprechauns.

Bacon and eggs walk into a bar. They take their seat and ask the bartender for two draft beers.

S’mores by the pool are even more enjoyable when you have friends to snack with. #‎summerfun ‪#‎haveyoursummerfun#‎poolside

Why do penguins wear glasses?
– To help their ice-sight.

Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl use the bathroom?
-Because the P is silent!

What do you call a seal in the desert?
– Lost.

Spikological Warfare

My friend got me half a bouquet and a box of 20 chocolates with only ten of them left: it really was a half-hearted effort!

I searched everywhere for a camouflage dress to attend your anniversary party, -but I found none

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