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Funny puns in 2025

A unicorn’s favorite thing to eat for breakfast is Lucky charms.

Buy and pret-sell.

I am pretty sure that the favourite soup of Dracula is the Scream of tomato.

The lemon decides to hang out with a prune because it cannot find a date.

What’s the opposite of a flamingo?
– A flamin-stop.

I love you s’more every day.

“We’re having hardcore fun this fall.”

The acid was disliked by everyone.
-He was A-mean-o acid.

Raven had recently ordered a chair from a shop, they were supposed to deliver by this week, but called her up yesterday to let her know that they were canceling the order due to low stocks.
Well, this is one of the cons of buying a cantdeliver chair.

Your life has now turned in to a SCANDLE

Does your nose run? Do your feet smell?
– You must be built upside down

Here’s to a Halloween full of Snickers and (Almond) Joy.

Why did the guy eat a poisonous mushroom? He
thought that any morel would do.

“As we go on, we remember all the times we had together.”

If an adult unicorn is called a unicorn, a little unicorn should be called a puny-corn.

She can be knead-y.

If I add Quac to a Bacon-Lettuce Tomato Sandwich…
– Does that make it an LGBT?

You’re my main squeeze!

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