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Funny puns in 2025

I’m not addicted to knitting, I can stop after just one more row.

Bready or not, here I crumb!

What do you give a sick lemon? Lemon-aid!

“I was suffering on the bike, so I punched my bicycle, but it hurt even more.

– It’s a vicious cycle”

Miso Soup is the most self aware soup.

Pooping jokes are not my favorite, but they’re definitely a solid number two.

The ‘bake’ smile of the his friends proved they are not true friends.

 If Vader worked in a restaurant, he’d be a Darth Waiter.

Which substance abuse is the cow most prone to?
– Cow-caine.

I feel like the pits.

I once heard a rumour that a giant butterfly was roaming around London. It was probably just some urban moth.

I’m such a rebel; I eat spring rolls during the cold winter months.

Conpliment someone on their mustache ….
– And suddenly she won’t talk to you.

My friend from Paris wasn’t allowed to give a reception speech at the waffle and pancake’s royal wedding. They knew he’d give a French toast.

How hard is it to track down a bread thief?
-It’s painstaking.

You’ve made vas deferens in my life.

I know a bike mechanic who is a bit scary, I guess he has always been a crank-y dude.

What do you call a person who made a painting with soup? Stewart.

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