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Funny puns in 2025

“What feels like the end is often the beginning.”

Everyone called the smelly unicorn Eww-nicorn.

Wheat it and weep.

I met the child of a snowman and a vampire. He was suffering from a serious case of frostbite

The lemon pie went to the dentist because it needed peelings.

“Beach please, I’m hanging with my flamingos.”

What’s the best place to learn more about candles?
– Wickipedia.

“People asked me how it feels when you stick your finger in an electrical outlet? To be honest, it Hertz.”

What happens when an owl doesn’t take a bath?
-It begins to smell fowl.

My dad asked me: “Son, what has four legs and doesn’t breathe?”
I said “You’re not fooling me again dad, a chair”
He answered “No, your dog died”

Lungs were head over heels in love. His sweetheart took his breath away.

The nose was very tired because it kept running.

Don’t be corny

What type of roads do German otters drive on?Otter-bahns.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

If man’s bet friend is a dog, would a unicorns best friend be a corn dog?

What kind of Bees produce milk instead of honey?
– Boobies

I asked a vampire if I could borrow some money. He told me he needed to go to the blood bank.

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