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Funny puns in 2025

Eye-heeled footwear

Don’t worry, you’ll weasily deal with this.

What do you call a trial balance that doesn’t balance?
– A late night.

What do you call a lady elf who likes building things?
– A Lego lass

Son: What rhymes with purple
Dad: No it doesn’t

Why does the alcoholic Avon lady walk funny? Because her lips stick.

What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?
– Fission Chips

In robot school, they like to take learning seriously. Every year they read, “All about Robots,” by Cy Borg.

It’s a-boat time we got to the lake.

To confess to a chocolate lover, just say, “I have more than a million Reese-ons why I adore you.”

Teachers and railroad security are more similar than you might think. One of them trains the mind, while the other one minds the trains.

That voice in my head that tells me what I should do?
– It’s my inner mom-ologue.

Lets go to the amuse-mint park!

Someone is walking over Eye grave

Scoop! There it is!

I can relate to my computer so much.
– Even I go to sleep after 25mins of inactivity.

What kind of bagel do pilots like?
– Plain.

I had a friend who once ate too many nachos and burritos. He almost na-choked on them.

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