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Funny puns in 2025

You cannot dessert your spouse now that he needs you most.

My biology teacher stubbed his toe today and screamed..
– Mitosis

The Mama apple told her baby apple that he was the apple of her pies.

You’re juice so sweet!

Love you like a sea-ster.

I find the ocean really crab-tivating!

Baseball on a foggy day is all about hit and mist.

Bob Seger loves playing chess. He even wrote a song about ‘How the knight moves.’

Why did the electrician marry his neighbor?

The pianist was constantly hitting his head on the piano keys.
– When the conductor asked him what he was doing, he said “I was just playing by the ear sir”.

Give your burger a good pickle to make it laugh.

How do Australians clean their butts?
– Bidet, mate.

I knew this plumber who was trying to become an artist on the side. Sadly he just couldn’t find the faucet for his creativity.

You are one tough cookie!

What do you get when you cross a pig and a cactus?A porky-pine.

What did Steve ask the other characters in the game when he heard them talking to each other?
– He asks “Water you talking about?”

If you ever name your kid Autumn…
– Whenever they go out of the room, start singing “The Autumn Leaves…”

– Bonus points if they come back around past the window.

I gave a woman some lemonade last night and schwepped her off her feet.

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