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Funny puns in 2025

Prepare to be a-Mew-sed

What will Hamlet say if he was a squirrel?
– To be or nut to be!

What do you call executive peas?
– VI-Peas.

A day spent with your bestie does your mind and body good.

The blue in the rainbow really teals the deal.

Racehorse: A barn athlete.

 We can taco-ver the phone.

Don’t carrot all about what others say, be yourself!

When the sun madly falls in love, what is it called?
– Love at first light.

An alien came down to Earth the other day, stepped out of his spaceship and said, “G’day cobber! Let’s start a barby and throw some shrimp on! Strewth!”…..
….he was an Austr-alien

What do you call a rabbit housekeeper? A dust

What happens if you put your left shoe on the wrong foot?
-Well, it’s actually on the right foot!

Yesterday my daughter was playing in the garden when i saw her kill a butterfly.
– I told her that as a punishment, she won’t eat butter for 1 month.
– Today i saw her killing a cockroach in the kitchen.
– I told her “nice try”.

A grape walked into a fruit mixer and didn’t even thank the mixer for not squishing it. He was quite an ungrapeful one.

Why can’t you blindfold a Pokémon? Because
it’s going to Pikachu!

Nothing is said by the peanut to the elephant because peanuts don’t have the ability to talk.

Soy what you want, tofu puns are the best.

We’re bes-teas.

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