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Funny puns in 2025

I guess you can just say that I’m a natural bone leader.

Nothing is more threatening than an intelligent woman
– Oh, really?-
– How about an intelligent woman, with a knife

Jokes about fake butter are margarinally funny.

What is the family of the king of the alpacas called? The roy-alpaca family.

Fall’s well that ends well.

Love might be blind, but marriage sure is a real eye opener.

She was so determined that she would take whatever beans necessary to get her cup of coffee each day.

The culinary school was opened by me and my best buddy and following this, we opened the restaurant. I think that we happen to be taste buds.

What do you do when you’re somewhere over the rainbow?
– Weigh a pie

This is getting unbearable.

The ski’s the limit!

During the award ceremony, it was easy to tell who will walk away with the prize.
– The carrot has been so out standing in his field.

When the teacher got frustrated because the students weren’t paying attention to the class about Isaac Newton,
– he exclaimed, “Don’t you understand the gravity of this situation?”

The favorite element of the periodic table for all nurses is Healium!

You can always tell when a spine finds your bone puns funny.
-They start cracking up.

Luke Skywalker & Obi Wan Kenobi were in a restaurant eating with chopsticks. Spotting that his friend was struggling with the cutlery, Obi Wan said “use the forks, Luke”.

Butter knives are selling like hotcakes.
– They are getting more and more widespread.

What does the alpaca say before going to bed?

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