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Funny puns in 2025

• Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

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When the little horse stayed up late at night, his father shouted at him, “Little foal go to bed as it is pasture bedtime”.

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. A balanced diet is a taco in both hands

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They say: carrots are good for your eyes…
… but enough alcohol doubles your eyesight ;-))))

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What do scientists who study the sun have?
– A flare for research.

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I have a great joke about shrimp that I won’t tell you….
– because I’m shellfish.

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It is good to feel ear-resistible sometimes.

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What are a plumber’s favorite type of shoes?
– Tap shoes!

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My mom is the jelly and my dad is the peanut butter And I am the bread the only thin keeping them together.

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If I write about old grapes, would I be raisin awareness on old age, or would it just be a wine?

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How do Pokemon Trainers party?
They throw a Poke-Ball.

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What was said by the nut to chase the other nut?
– Imma cashew.

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Green bean with envy.

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You’re a koala-ty friend.

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Princess Elsa never really feared any horses
-Probably because the colt never bothered her anyway.

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A tortilla chip is an i-salsa-les triangle.

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“Water you doing, my friend?”

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What is a bread called when it readily goes to sleep under the sun?
– Comatoast.

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