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Funny puns in 2025

Because of the banana peel, you will be flat over the floor if don’t
be in C sharp.

Some Like It Hoth

How do you milk sheep ?
– Release another iPhone.

I had the sweetest letter from my fruit friend last week.
– They said they miss me cherrybly.

Q: Why did the fly fly? A: Because the spider spied her.

I am Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, Neil before me.

NSFW – a friend of mine told me he’s getting it on with his girlfriend and her twin. I asked how he can tell them apart… it’s easy he said
-Her brother has a mustache.

Housework is for those who do not know how to knit.

Did you hear about the bread factory that burned down
-now the business is toast. — that’s a site for sore eyes.

Why did the bike fall?
– Because it was 2 tired

Drop the bouillabaisse.

Why do NHL players never sweat?
– They have too many fans.

Why did the banana fail his driving test?
He kept peeling out.

Chewbacca just bought a new car. It was a furrari.

What do you call a nation of cows?
– A cow-ntry.

Crust me, I’m a professional.

There’s a similarity between a baseball player and a spider. They can both catch a fly.

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