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Funny puns in 2025

Whenever you knead me.

Oh, I frograve you for that a long time ago!

What do triplets need more of than single babies?
– More womb!

Why am I so hot right now?
– Because there’s a sunflower near me.

You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy sushi and still feel the same way.

This is so tea-dious

The donut went to a therapist
– because he was filling empty inside.

If you love a waffle, then just pass it the syrup.

The Polar Espresso

Where do baby llamas go to eat? The pizzacria

At our local aquarium, you can get in for nothing if you’re camping in the area or dressed as a dolphin.
– So for all in-tents and porpoises, it’s free!

Friendship is like peeing on yourself — everyone else can see it, but only you get to enjoy the warm feelings it brings.

It is not the mountain we must conquer, but ourselves.

You sure do look the art.

If frogs are from Greenland then…….
-……. Sharks are from Finland.

Who held the baby octopus for ransom?
– Squidnappers.

The sunflower fell in love with an apple tree, they lived apply ever after

Expensive sushi
– That’s s raw deal

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