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Funny puns in 2025

Chocolate coins are mint to be eaten.

Why do vampires always seem sick?
– They’re coffin.

I’d tell you the joke about peanut butter and jam on toast, but you might spread it.

Did you hear who they cast in the new movie, “Shoe-manji?”
– Dwanye “The Sock” Johnson!

If a plant is sad, do the other plants photosympathize with it?

Bro Get Your Own Net

The young girl hurt her arm when she played sports for ten hours straight.
When she went to the doctor, he told her that she had a tennis elbow.

The NSA,
Can see everything you do on the internet and Everyone you talk to on your phone.
Why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

When you cross a doorbell and a bee you wind up with a hum-dinger.

Everything in this world is either a potato or not a potato

My team is so far behind; they really need to ketchup.

Did you hear about the popcorn that got kicked out of the military It used to be a kernel

The police inquired about the accident in the kitchen, and the pastry chef said it happened right in front of his berry eyes!

What kind of construction are dogs best at?
– Roofing.

The person who handled customer transactions in the Chocolate Bank quit his job. So the bank hired a Nutella.

Whatever coats your boat.

That joke was sub-par.

What’s the appeal of round-tipped knitting needles?
– They seem pointless.

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