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Funny puns in 2025

When pirates beat another pirate in chess, they say, “Check matey!”

What was the light bulb’s occupation?

As the music group Fourplay started their most anticipated tour performance from Antarctica, they had no option but to change their name to Coldplay.

“Get in the elephant, loser, we’re going flying.”

The Gingerbread Man goes to the doctor for a sore knee.
The doctor told him to try icing it.

The thief was caught due to the help of the carpenter. They say the carpenter saw everything.

Why don’t traffic lights want anyone to look at them?
They’re changing.

What do you call a pig thief?A hamburgler.

Killer klowns was pissed at Karen bugging him, what did he say to stop Karen?
– He asked Karen to stop texturing him!

What did the skydiver say in Autumn?
– I love the fall.

I just lost my job at the lemonade store
– because I cannot concentrate.

Trying to catch up on rip current events.

A man walked up to his friend
– He was sad
– The man asked “What’s the matter bro”
– His friend replied “Everything……. except for light”

How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?
– You rocket!

Someone asked me how I was going to pay for my fancy new chess board. I replied, “With a check, mate”

When the professor stepped into our class, everyone noticed he is hair-larious comb-over.

Just walked by the fridge and heard a little voice singing Stayin’ Alive.
-Turned out just to be the chive talking.

Hellman’s are you really going to eat your burger without mayo?

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