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Funny puns in 2025

A group of men waiting for a haircut is referred to as a barbercue.

 It was a very mean thing for the teacher to tell the boy specifically that he was very average in math!

“What are you tocking about!”

Why does ice cream usually get invited to the party?
– It’s cool.

What is a grandfather clock called?
– An old-timer.

What do you call someone who is obsessed with Vietnamese noodles?
– A pho-natic.

Filthy Oar

Mommy mommy, why do I keep running around in circles?
– Shut up or I’ll nail your other foot to the floor!

What job does a lion do at a newspaper?
– Run the linotype machine!

Grapes don’t cry when they’re crushed
– But they do wine

The coconut macaron told his wife, “I can always
macaron for you in my heart.”

I wood never leaf you.

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building?
– Because he couldn’t fit in the lift.

Yes, a steak can be smoked!

 In the animal kingdom, all zebras like solving problems in algebra.

We’ve Got Just The Shellection!

What animal has a black and white and red all over?
– A zebra with a sunburn!

Why did the boy hold his watch in front of the mirror?
– Because it was reflection time.

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