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Funny puns in 2025

That’s all, yolks.

Did you hear about the party at the Chinese zoo?
– It was Panda-monium.

I ate a weird dish the other day, made from pig and dinosaur. It was at a restaurant called Jurassic Pork.

Get back to the basics with good old swimming #payattentiontothepool

What do you call a happy penguin?
– A pen-grin!

 It’s a mammoth task!

If you see a seal that loves seeing the stars, then it likes seal-lestial bodies.

We’re going to pump you up

What is the absolute best thing to put into cake? Your teeth.

There’s nothing better than presents from friends and family on your birthday, unless it’s the presence of friends and family on your birthday.

Do you need some encourage-mint?

The lobster in his wedding vows said, “She is my butter half.”

What’s up, my Grinches

The new geology teacher hasn’t had it easy—he got off to a rocky start.

How did the panda lose his dinner?
– He was “Bamboozled”!

If you come across a pig that tells you about his ancestors, that’s history in the bacon.

Let’s hit “like” on this epic weekend before it gets away #

Why do polar bears and penguins not get along?
– Because they are polar opposites.

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