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Funny puns in 2025

We have the longest ramen noodles in the world.

How do you measure how heavy a red hot chilli pepper is?
– You give it a weigh, give it a weigh, give it a weigh now!

George Washington admitting chopping down the cherry tree of his father. But why didn’t his father punish him? Because he still grabbed the axe in his hand.

A vegetable that smells like rotten automobiles

If you want to start learning to dance, start with salsa: it’s great to dip into!

Spiders can make excellent volleyball players
– because they have such an amazing topspin.

What’s sweet and goes woof? Pupcakes!

Outclaw is the perfect name for cats that have sharp claws.

A bite of deliciousness.

Cat-terpillar – A fuzzy caterpillar that meows and purrs.

You think you can name more bird puns than me?
-Oh please, it won’t even be close. I’m gonna cremu!

Not decorating any eggs today? Yolk’s on you.

If you ever see something that goes black white black white black white black – you’ve just witnessed a panda rolling down a hill.

Follow your heart. It will lead you to ramen.

This pool is impressive. Or should I say swim-pressive?

How can you tell a lumberjack is from another part of the world? They have a noticeable axe-ccent

Poured out of my mind.

Charity balls are much like dances, the only exception is that they are tax deductible.

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